Depression Tips

Tony Robbins on Depression Explained How to Overcome Depression Tips

Happy 4th of July everyone. I hope you are celebrating vivaciously. I’m choosing to work today, and part of my goals involved writing out this summary of Tony Robbins depression series because it really helped me a few hours ago and I sincerely hope it enhances your mind, well-being, and all-around positively impacts your day!

The reason I can summarize this information for you is because I critically needed to re-research the depression emotions I experienced yesterday and find an immediate strategy to snap out of it. I studied Tony Robbins stuff, immediately implemented the lessons, and have officially bounced back into a positive state.

So I am happy to share this with you and am 100% you can bounce out ASAP as well, you just have to believe it can be this simple.

It is true that there are some people who have permanently damaged brain chemical imbalance processes and probably do need certain kind of drugs/treatments.

But Tony Robbins has changed over 4 million lives of people from 100 different countries and knows for the most part we can cure ourselves instantly.

So listen up here we go, that’s the first truth to understand:

Tony Robbin’s #1 lesson from his whole depression series, the bottom punch line, is that the fact for the majority of us who experience depression:

Is that depression is totally a choice!

You probably don’t want to hear that. I don’t. I cringed when hearing it as I studied this stuff again earlier this morning.

But my desire to jump out of depression was more important to me than my ego; more important than my desire to blame something else and not take responsibility for feeling the way I do.

So, I accept.

And as soon as you accept depression is a choice, liberation from depression can take place literally instantly.

Tony Robbins explains that depression is a state of mind we reach by taking deliberate steps. In other words, it’s a sequence of decisions we make, consciously or subconsciously; it’s something we learned.

The good news is, is that means it’s something we can unlearn and control!

If you watch the full series, you will see Tony demonstrates this fact with an audience member on the spot in front of everyone by asking the lady, Tahnee, to get depressed. To show the audience how she does it.

The first adjustment we notice from her is how her body changes. Our physiology is the first corner of the triangle of depression Tony Robbins Research calls the Triad of Depression:


The three ways depression can be achieved is through:


1) Physiology/Posture –how we physically hold our-self has an effect on our nervous system. Our physiology/posture of our body literally communicates with the brain to inform it that we are depressed and it begins creating the emotional chemicals of depression.


2) Language – the words we use to internally/externally describe our current moments. Words have powerful influence over us because we have given words meaning. If we describe ourselves as worthless, or describe our day as being painful, the brain will immediately begin generating the corresponding emotional chemicals, and propagate such feelings. That’s because we associate the word “worthless” with a host of negative meanings. If we describe our-self as worthless, the brain listens to our thoughts and begins generating the corresponding emotions of depression


3) Mental Focus – what images are we producing in our heads? What are we visualizing? What experiences or emotions are we imagining? If our focus is on negative things, the same process begins, where the brain will produce depressive emotional chemicals.


In conclusion, recognizing that I am in control and responsible for the things I am doing to get to depression, helped me snap out of this behavior.


So I began doing the opposite of what I did yesterday. I began moving my body and erecting my posture. I began describing my day as super awesome, that today the 4th of July was gonna be epic, fun and meaningful. Sure enough, it has been! I began visualizing my back as feeling better, and taking action steps to alleviate the agony, such as icing, cupping, and swim therapy; and I as of now my back is totally feeling relieved!


The truth is I fell so hard into my old patterns yesterday its not even funny. I totally let myself fall apart. Yes, my back pain was in fact ridiculously piercing. Yes, my back pain did in fact yesterday night torture me enough to prevent me from being able to fall asleep, as I showed in my previous video blog. Which did in fact cause sleep deprivation, and I did feet like absolute shit all day.


But still, getting depressed was a choice! Feeling down was still my own responsibility!


I still could have kept my physiology, language, and focus positive. But I allowed myself to sink. I bought into the negativity. I forgot that I have control over my emotions.


I have so much to be grateful for in my life. Some people right now in some places across earth are literally killing each other and dying over the lack of fresh clean drinking water. At any moment I can walk into the kitchen and drink clean water. If I want to, I can go shower and bathe myself for hours in clean drinking water. I have access to all the water I want.


So I say: enough is enough!


I got up about 3:30am today, because I got up to use the restroom, and I was so pissed I couldn’t even fall back asleep. Pissed off at falling into depressive behavior patterns again.


I will not continue letting my circumstances become my identity!


I knew I needed to shock my mind to snap out of it. So for 4 hours starting from 3:30am I began scouring the internet, soaking in countless you tube videos, and listening to a multitude of audio recordings from people like Tony Robbins, Will Smith’s wisdom videos, Eric Thomas’s motivational series, Jim Rohn’s 4 moments that change your life, Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief.


I turned my psychology around so fast I felt absolutely compelled to share this experience with you guys. I sincerely hope this video helps you as you march forward through your night or day. You are just moments from feeling better!


Anytime you are feeling depressed, just follow these steps:


1) Blow away your mind with an avalanche of information about the truth of depression, remember it’s up to you! You possess the ability to correct your own behavior.

2) Keep your physiology/posture confident and erect.

3) Use powerful and positive words to describe your day; play make-believe if you have to. How bad do you want to feel better? Do whatever it takes then!

4) Mentally focus on what you do want in life; what things do you have in life that are going well for you? If you had to be grateful, what are you grateful for in your life right now?

Picture and visualize about people, places, and situations in your life that excite you and fulfills you. Again, play make-believe if you have to.

5) And lastly, super charge boost-up your mood by doing what I do on a regular basis:


Flood your mind with hours of extraordinary stories of inspiration. Shower your mind in hours of electrifying motivational speeches. Bathe yourself in positivity!


And never forget: you’re not alone! For one, I’m right here with you going through similar experiences in life. And so are millions of others. I feel you! Stay strong! Conquer the War Within!


Subconscious vs Conscious

The subconscious mind is a data base of stored programs, primarily derived from the programming a child receives from the last trimester of pregnancy through the first six years of life.  These are stimulus-response programs, that is “habits.” There is no thinking in these subconscious behaviors, it’s more like push the button, play the program.  Unfortunately, the downloaded programs comprising the subconscious data base are derived from recording the behavior of others (parents, siblings and community). AND … psychology reveals up to 70% of these “learned” behaviors are disempowering, self-sabotaging and limiting.

As importantly, these programmed behaviors are expressed as “energy” vibrations that are not contained in your head. The brain’s activity can be read using magnetoencephalograph (MEG) technology, similar to EEG except the probe for MEG readings is outside of the head. Simply your thoughts are not contained in your head but are broadcast into the field

The evolution of higher mammals, including chimps, cetaceans and humans, brought forth a new level of awareness called “self-consciousness,” or, simply, the conscious mind. The newer conscious mind is an important evolutionary advance. The earlier, subconscious mind is our “autopilot”; the conscious mind is our manual control. For example, if a ball comes near your eye, the slower conscious mind may not have time to be aware of the threatening projectile. Yet the subconscious mind, which processes ~20,000,000 environmental stimuli per second vs. 40 environmental stimuli interpreted by the conscious mind in the same second, will cause the eye to blink. [Norretranders 1998] The subconscious mind, one of the most powerful information processors known, specifically observes both the surrounding world and the body’s internal awareness, reads the environmental cues and immediately engages previously acquired (learned) behaviors—all without the help, supervision or even awareness of the conscious mind.

The two minds make a dynamic duo. Operating together, the conscious mind can use its resources to focus on some specific point, such as the party you are going to tomorrow night. Simultaneously, your subconscious mind can be safely pushing the lawn mower around and successfully not cutting off your foot or running over the cat— even though you are not consciously paying attention to mowing the lawn.


The two minds (subconscious and conscious) also cooperate in acquiring very complex behaviors that can subsequently be unconsciously managed. Remember the first day you excitedly sat in the driver’s seat of a car, preparing to learn how to drive? The number of things that had to be dealt with by the conscious mind was staggering. While keeping your eyes on the road, you had to also watch the rear and side view mirrors, pay attention to the speedometer and other gauges, use two feet for the three pedals of a standard shift vehicle and try to be calm, cool and collected as you drove past observing peers. It took what seemed to be a long time before all these behaviors were “programmed” into your mind.

Today, you get in the car, turn the ignition on and consciously review your shopping list as the subconscious mind dutifully engages all the complex skills you need to successfully navigate through the city—without even once having to think about the mechanics of driving. I know I am not the only one out there who has experienced this. You are driving and having a delightful discussion with the passenger sitting next to you. In fact, your consciousness gets so caught up in the conversation, that somewhere down the road it dawns on you that you haven’t even paid attention to your driving for five minutes. After a momentary start, you realize that you are still on your side of the road and steadily moving along with the flow of traffic. A quick check of the rear view mirror reveals that you did not leave a wake of crumpled stop signs and smashed mailboxes. If you weren’t consciously driving the car during that time, then who was? The subconscious mind! And how well did it do? Although you didn’t observe its behavior, the subconscious mind apparently performed just as well as it was taught during your driver education experience.

The Subconscious Mind

We all know we have a subconscious, but for most of us, our knowledge of it ends there. Your subconscious mind is a second, hidden mind that exists within you. It interprets and acts upon the predominating thoughts that reside within your conscious mind, and its goal is to attract circumstances and situations that match the images you have within.

We reap what we sow.

Think of your subconscious mind as incredibly fertile soil that will grow any seed you plant in it. Your habitual thoughts and beliefs are seeds that are being constantly sown. Just as corn kernels produce corn and wheat seeds produce wheat, the contents of your thoughts will have an effect in your life. You will reap what you sow; this is a law.

Your conscious mind is like the gardener that tends to the soil. It’s your responsibility to be aware of how this process works, choosing wisely what reaches the inner garden — your subconscious. For most, our role as gardener has never been explained. By not knowing this role, we have allowed seeds of all types – good and bad – to enter our subconscious.

The subconscious doesn’t discriminate, judge, or censor. It will manifest success, abundance, and health just as easily as failure, ill health, and misfortune. Your subconscious accepts what is impressed upon it with feeling and repetition, whether these thoughts are positive or negative. It does not evaluate things like your conscious mind does. This is why it is so important to be aware of what you are thinking.


Once you understand that your subconscious will bring you what you need or desire, and you begin working daily to project thoughts and images of what you want, seemingly chance-events will start happening to you. To the untrained mind, synchronicity appears to to be coincidence or luck, but it is neither. It is simply the operation of the forces you have set into motion with your thoughts. This powerful inner collaborator, working with your conscious mind, will bring to you the people and circumstances you require to achieve your goals.

We are all part of the greater whole.

Modern physics sees the universe as a vast, inseparable web of dynamic activity. Not only is the universe alive and constantly changing, but everything in the universe affects everything else. At its most primary level, the universe seems to be whole and undifferentiated, a fathomless sea of energy that permeates every object and every act. It is all one. Scientists are now confirming what mystics and seers have been telling us for thousands of years: we are not separate from, but part of one greater whole.

We now know that everything in the universe is made up of energy. Everything from the items in your home, to the events that happen to you, and even our thoughts are made up of vibrations of energy. This means our thoughts are made of the exact same substance as the building blocks of the universe. Knowing this, we can use it to our advantage.

In the past, it might have seemed unbelievable that we could create our reality through this process. But now we know how to do it, and why it works. Since our thoughts are energy, it only makes sense that repeated images, affirmations, deeply held beliefs, fears and desires would have an effect on our own reality by vibrating within the larger web of reality. In fact, if we are all connected, how could it be otherwise?


I recently posted a status on my Facebook stating: 

“Took some time to self reflect at where I started,places I been things ive done people I surrounded myself with… and REALIZED how I SKYROCKETED TO where I am today, places I go to now,projects I work on currently.. rubbing elbows with the elite… on my own at 21 in one of the most expensive cities in the world. only a true hustler has self discipline drive and ambition to make nothing into an empire,I can honestly say I’ve broken the middle class link in my family chain, everyone after me will be born into success and i only ever did it for all you…. If you truly WANT IT YOU’LL FIND A WAY TO ACHIEVE GREATNESS AND CHANGE LIVES FOREVER ”



  1. I NEVER GAVE UP– When life knocked me on my ass several times, I got right back up swinging


2.GAVE THINGS THAT I COULDNT UNDERSTAND TO GOD– A lot of things happen to us that do not make sense, and seems like God is absent. Ive learned that through suffering God is drawing us closer to Him, because we turn and completely trust in Him when we have no other option. He is strengthening us, pushing us beyond our limits showing our true strength and potential to ourselves. Just like any other coach would push you to your max…your sweating your tired you even vomited but you made it through and proved to yourself that you were stronger and better in the end. That is all God is doing is coaching you. So when you dont know what to do or why things are happening GIVE IT TO GOD, TALK TO THE ALMIGHTY COACH and He will lead you on to victory.


3.HUSTLER AMBITION-  IM REFERRING TO MAKING SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING. Making the best of every situation, seeing it from all angles and working it in your favor. Its an art to be able to sell someone nothing, or to make a feast out of 3 ingredients.


  1. SACRIFICIAL DISCIPLINE-This is hard to do especially if no one or thing is holding you accountable to see if your actually doing it…. Ive learned no one cares if you do it or you dont THIS IS YOUR LIFE AND YOUR ONLY HURTING YOURSELF IN THE END IF YOU CHEAT YOURSELF IN THE PRESENT. You have to SACRIFICE  certain luxuries and pleasures in order to sustainable make it a stability in the near future. If you want that finer things lifestyle wait. work. watch the finer things become average.


  1. FORGIVENESS- Your going to make mistakes, which is good… the key is not to make the same mistake twice… if you make a lot of mistakes your learning a ton of valuable lessons.. trust me ive made millions and learned lessons no human could teach me. You have to learn to forgive, forget, forge on.


  1. MOTIVATIONAL DRIVE-If i was not motivated I would still be living at home doing nothing. Motivation is wanting something as bad as you want to live and breathe. once you established that level of drive YOU WILL SUCCEED AT ANYTHING YOU DO. when life knocks you down get back up and Fight back…crying and escaping reality with drugs or alcohol or busying yourself with mindless things is not going to make it better…THE STRONG SURVIVE AND MAKE IT ….DONT BE THE WEAK ONE WHO GETS LEFT BEHIND.


  1. CONFIDENCE-this is key, I have held several positions i was not qualified for but i walked into the interview like i owned the business and got the job….human nature naturally responds positively to confidence its an assurance that we know who we are and what were doing.. if you dont have any fake it till you make it..once you force yourself to be confident and you see how people respond to you it will build your confidence.. also i am strong believer in putting good out there good will return so boost peoples confidence by complimenting them or even smiling.


8.SIZING UP COMPETITION- study your competition and know them better than they know themselves. The world praises these phony celebrities and other people who “made it” my attitude is OK AND WHY NOT ME …If they could do it why cant i..If Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah and what not changed this world why cant I… we all came out of a woman….we all have the same opportunity.




  1. LOVE-love yourself, love what you see in the mirror, love others, even when its hard to force yourself…..SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE YOU ASPIRE TO BE LIKE FOR YOUR SOCIAL CIRCLES ARE A MIRROR IMAGE OF WHO YOU ARE. If you hang out with people who are ok with nothing then you to will have nothing.. If you hang out with like minded entrepreneurs and go getters than you too will develop that mindset and success.




Get Out of a Funk

Feeling sad, anxious, or depressed? There is no lab test for depression, but it affects almost one in six people in some stage of their lives.

If you feel depressed, take a moment to look at what your body is doing. What position are you in right now? It’s likely that you’re slouched, head down, with your body curled inwards. As Tony Robbins says, you don’t get depressed, you do depressed.


Depression symptoms can vary, but it always results in living in a negative state. Instead of suffering, change your body and mind with positive, empowering rituals that make for a feedback loop that brings you up, not takes you down.. What we do know for sure is that your mind-body connection is a huge determiner for whether you live in a beautiful state or a negative state. Here are some strategies to battle depression symptoms and win:


Change your body and you change your mood. Exercise is a great way to naturally improve your mood, releasing endorphins and improving overall mental health. But changing your body can be as simple as breathing, stretching and jumping in place. Seriously; Tony does this exercise in his seminars all the time, and you can try it right now. Get up and start jumping or clapping. See what happens to your mood.

Symptoms of depression can make it feel like you’ll never be happy again, but you can train yourself to be wired for the emotions and state of being you want. Start Taking charge of your emotions.



Start your day by setting intentions, You control and create your life. If you fail to do this simple step right when you wake up then your life will control you. Before you get out of bed, or leave your house SET YOUR DAY. I keep a gratitude journal and find 5 things to be grateful  for, then I write how my day will go. For example I will then write: “ Today is the best day ever, Today all goes in my favor, Today I am at the right place at the right time. “ etc. remember the only job of the brain is to match your waking reality to whatever your telling yourself and thinking.


Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on breaking patterns in how you perceive the world around you. Patterns can be as simple as the words you use when talking about yourself and how you feel. Change your negative self talk  to loving, empowering self talk. Whatever you tell yourself will become your reality. Changing your vocabulary is another way to change your energy state. The biochemical effect of feeling “devastated” or “crushed” is much more negative than “disappointed.” Remember: the words we attach to our experiences become our experience.

Anytime you are feeling depressed, just follow these steps:


1) Remember the truth of depression, remember it’s up to you! You possess the ability to correct your own behavior. You are in control of your thoughts, flood your mind with positive thoughts and focus on everything great in your life.

2) How bad do you want to feel better? Do whatever it takes then!

3) Mentally focus on what you do want in life; what things do you have in life that are going well for you? If you had to be grateful, what are you grateful for in your life right now?

4) Picture and visualize about people, places, and situations in your life that excite you and fulfills you.

5) And lastly, super charge boost-up your mood by doing what I do on a regular basis:

Gratitude Journal, Vision Board, Meditate and Visualize my Best version of myself and Life, workout, Set my intentions for the day and say my mantras, surround myself with good vibrating high energy people and places.



Detox Drinks

If you’re looking to revive yourself from within while increasing your energy level and your overall well-being, a body detox may be in order. Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxic substances from your body. Before beginning any detox diet, it’s always good to check with your doctor, especially if there are any health concerns.

In their book 7-Day Detox Miracle, Sara Faye, Stephen Barrie, N.D., and Peter Bennett, N.D., explain that detoxing with a whole-body cleanse can enhance the body’s systems. According to the authors, detox drink recipes can assist in ridding your body of toxins and bringing it back into healthy balance.


Lemon contains ascorbic acid, assisting in the cleansing process. Known also as the staple beverage of Stanley Burroughs’ Master Cleanse, this detox drink is easy to make. Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup and 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in 8 ounces of purified water. Proponents of the Master Cleanse recommend you drink 6-8 glasses of this lemonade drink and eat nothing each day of your cleanse. Despite its popularity, nutritionists warn against the lack of essential nutrients in this drink.


This vegetable detox drink is made up primarily of green vegetables, providing an effective natural body cleanse of the digestive system.

In her book The Raw Food Detox Diet: The Five-Step Plan for Vibrant Health and Maximum Weight Loss, certified clinical nutritionist Natalia Rose discusses the importance of vegetables at length. For this detox drink, you will need:

  • 3 carrots
  • 3 kale leaves
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 2 beets
  • 1 turnip
  • ½ bunch of spinach
  • ½ cabbage
  • ½ bunch of parsley
  • ½ onion
  • 2 garlic cloves

Mix all ingredients with water and puree in a blender.


According to classical homeopathic practitioner Sonya McLeod, B.A., D.C.H., dandelions are a great source of vitamin A, potassium, iron, and calcium. According to McLeod, dandelion detox tea is a diuretic that will eliminate bodily toxins through your liver and kidneys. She recommends brewing 6 tablespoons of 1-year-old dried dandelion root and 12 tablespoons of fresh dandelion leaves in 4 cups of purified, boiling water. Other recipes call for simply adding 2 teaspoons of crushed dandelion leaves to a cup of boiling water and allowing it to brew for about 10 minutes.


According to Mayo Clinic, there is some evidence to suggest that drinking cranberry juice may help prevent urinary tract infections and ulcers in healthy individuals. Cranberry juice also contains vitamin C, manganese and antioxidants. Though not advocated by any authoritative body, cranberry juice has become a popular detox drink, and according to Mayo Clinic, two 16-oz. glasses of full-strength juice can be safely consumed on a daily basis by healthy adults. To make this detox drink, dilute one part cranberry juice in four parts water. Then, add 1 tablespoon each of apple pectin and psyllium fiber to stimulate gentle intestinal elimination.


Because fruit is high in fiber and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, it’s a wonderful natural detox for the body. This recipe incorporates fruit, along with flax oil and lecithin, to provide essential fatty acids while you detox. In your blender, combine:

  • 8 oz. of orange juice
  • 4 oz. of purified water
  • ½ cup banana
  • ½ cup strawberries
  • ½ cup yogurt
  • ½-inch slice of ginger
  • 1 small garlic clove
  • 1 tablespoon flax oil
  • 1 tablespoon lecithin granules
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice, if desired
  • 1 tablespoon of protein powder or spirulina powder


Toxin Detox

If you follow this website, you know that detoxing is a subject of huge importance to us. In fact, performing regular body cleanses and detoxes are a core principle of my beliefs on health and healing. I talk about them so much that I sometimes take for granted that we’re all on the same page. Maybe I should explain myself for the benefit of new readers.

What exactly is a detox? Simply put, a detox is a process in which a person makes lifestyle changes to clear their body of toxins. These lifestyle changes typically involve abstaining from certain harmful things and optimizing body processes. Some changes are temporary, such as following a cleansing diet, others are permanent.

I should also explain my use of the term “toxins.”

What are Toxins?

Toxins are any substance that can be poisonous or cause negative health effects. “Toxin” refers to all the metals, chemicals, pollutants, artificial food ingredients, pesticides, and poisons that cause the body harm.[1]“Toxin” is a very broad term and it’s even, unfortunately, become a bit of a buzzword to some. Artificially created chemicals can be toxins, but naturally occurring substances can be toxic, too. Arsenic is a natural toxin. Technically, so is cobra venom (though you’re less likely to find this contaminating your town’s water supply).

We are in constant contact with harmful organisms and pollutants. They’re in our water, in our food, and in the air we breathe; it’s very difficult to get away from them. The source of many health issues is the toxins that have built up in our bodies over the years.[234]

There is no practical way to protect yourself from all the toxins in the environment. You would have to live the rest of your life in a hermetically sealed suit (and it would be a short life since you couldn’t eat or drink.) Fortunately, there are ways to counteract some toxins and pollutants. Your body’s natural detoxification processes exist to deal with the ones we can’t avoid. You can help your body perform these processes with the help of regular cleansing.

First, let’s understand the natural ability we have to cleanse ourselves.

The Body and Detoxification

I try my best to educate people that the human body has a natural ability to detoxify itself. In fact, the body has several systems in place for removing waste. The excretory system plays the largest role in detoxification. The most obvious job of this system is defecation and urination. The main organs that compose the excretory system are the skin, liver, lungs, large intestine, and kidneys.[5]

You may be surprised to learn that your skin is part of your excretory system, but it’s true—the skin aids in elimination through the sweat glands. The purpose of sweat is to regulate body temperature, but it’s a multifunctional system. When sweat passes through your sweat glands, it takes toxins with it.[6]

The roles of the other organs are just as important. It’s the liver’s job to filter and excrete waste, hormones, drugs, and other foreign substances.[7] The lungs help remove carbon dioxide (the waste gas resulting from breathing).[8] The large intestine has several important jobs. It absorbs water and remaining nutrients from food. It also converts waste into stool to be expelled from the body through defecation.[9] The kidneys filter the blood and help remove waste from the body through urination.[10]

The entire body relies on this system to live a healthy life. Your body is detoxifying itself all the time, around the clock, 24/7. Even your brain flushes out toxins while you sleep.[11] It’s essential to take care of these organs and allow them to do their job.

6 Ways To Detox Your Body

  1. Choose the Right Foods

One of the best things you can do to support your body’s detoxification process is to lighten its load and decrease the toxins you put in your body in the first place. Choose organic vegetables and fruits over fast food and other processed foods. GMO products and pesticide contaminated foods add harmful toxins to your diet. Avoid them like the plague.

  1. Exercise and Meditation

Exercise and meditation help maintain a healthy body. Exercising helps you sweat, and sweating helps release toxins through your skin. Studies have found trace amounts of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat.[6] Meditation helps you clear your mind and reduce stress. Stress can be as toxic to your health as chemicals. A troubled mind can cause the physical body to function poorly.

  1. Diet

Detoxifying your body is not only about what you avoid, but also about what you consume. Following a healthy diet can go a long way. There are also many foods that aid detoxification — garlic, lemon, broccoli sprouts, mung beans, and raw vegetables.

Many diets promote cleansing and detoxification. I follow and recommend an organic, variable, intermittent fasting diet but there are other options if that isn’t for you. You could also try a raw alkaline diet. It’s a temporary cleanse consisting of uncooked fruits and vegetables and raw nuts, seeds, and sprouts. It’s a great strategy for detoxing the colon and liver. A juice diet is also helpful and is centered around consuming freshly-made fruit and vegetable juice—preferably organic.

  1. Purify the Air You Breathe

Breathing clean air is another way to reduce your exposure to toxins. While you can’t control the whole environment, you can control the air in your home. Smoke, fumes, pet dander, mold, mildew, and microorganisms can make the air in your home more toxic than the air outside. A high-quality air purification device is the best way to keep your air fresh and toxin-free. If a quality air purification device is out of your budget, get a few house plants instead; they’re nature’s air fresheners. They help filter the air and remove toxins.[12]

  1. Purify Your Body With Water

Water is possibly the most valuable tool for detoxifying your body. The body’s most basic functions require water.[13] Your body needs water to produce saliva, help with perspiration, and remove waste.[14]

When I say drink water, I do mean water, not coffee, or sports drinks, or soft drinks. If you’re one of those people that find the taste of water boring, try adding lemon or cucumber to your water.

  1. A Complete Body Detox

A complete body detox is a step-by-step process that focuses on each organ involved in ridding the body of toxins. The program should focus on removing harmful organisms, chemicals, and toxic metals while cleansing your colon, liver, and kidneys. Cleansing the colon is an important part of any full body cleansing protocol. Our Colon Cleanse Kit will help open up your main route of elimination and maximize your body’s natural ability to cleanse itself.

A complete body detox is a long and committed process but can be especially rewarding. If you’ve never performed a detox, I recommend the 9 Step Body Cleanse. It’s a total body detox that will help you eliminate toxin accumulation and feel great.


How Do I Deal With Depression?

Feeling sad, anxious, or depressed? There is no lab test for depression, but it affects almost one in six people in some stage of their lives. In fact, by 2014, roughly one in every eight Americans reported recently using antidepressants, according to a recent survey by U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Greater mental health awareness is likely one factor in this use increase, that is, in the past, there were likely many undiagnosed cases. Still, antidepressants don’t work for everyone, and they don’t get to the root of the problem.

If you feel depressed, take a moment to look at what your body is doing. What position are you in right now? It’s likely that you’re slouched, head down, with your body curled inwards. As Tony Robbins says, you don’t get depressed, you do depressed.



Depression symptoms can vary, but it always results in living in a negative state. Instead of suffering, change your body and mind with positive, empowering rituals that make for a feedback loop that brings you up, not takes you down.

What are your options for overcoming depression? A host of treatments exist, and they all have one thing in common: for all the research and studies performed, we only know a tiny bit about why brain chemistry works the way it does. What we do know for sure is that your mind-body connection is a huge determiner for whether you live in a beautiful state or a negative state. Here are some strategies to battle depression symptoms and win:


Change your body and you change your mood. Exercise is a great way to naturally improve your mood, releasing endorphins and improving overall mental health. But changing your body can be as simple as lifting your chest. Seriously; Tony does this exercise in his seminars all the time, and you can try it right now. Stand up normally. Now lift your sternum just a little higher; there’s a point where you’ll start to feel powerful and confident. Now depress your chest and start to round your back; can you feel the difference? You can play with lifting your sternum and ribs even higher, but hold the position for a few moments. See what happens to your mood.

Feeling more confident and in control? It just took a few inches in how you held your body to make that happen. Symptoms of depression can make it feel like you’ll never be happy again, but you can train yourself to be wired for the emotions and state of being you want. Start making a positive feedback loop with energy and you can begin to take charge of your emotions.




Depression often takes away structure in people’s lives. A routine provides stability and certainty even when the world looks bleak. Even better? Avoid training yourself to be frustrated and stressed out. Instead, try empowering daily rituals like priming as a way to focus and recenter.


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on breaking patterns in how you perceive the world around you. Patterns can be as simple as the words you use when talking about yourself and how you feel. Change your negative self-talk with empowering words. Transforming your vocabulary is another way to change your state of being. The biochemical effect of feeling “devastated” or “crushed” is much more negative than “disappointed.” Remember: the words we attach to our experiences become our experience.




It’s important to be connected with other people when you have depression symptoms, but Facebook and other social media sites make us feel worse, not better. Even the hunched-over position we use to look at our phones makes us feel down. Instead of scrolling through status updates, go outside for a short walk in the sun; your spirits will instantly lift.


Depression is serious. With all the resources out there, just knowing where to start can be overwhelming. If you’re thinking about ending your life, call one of the suicide hotlines: 800-SUICIDE (800-784-2433) and 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255). If you have a plan to commit suicide, go to the emergency room for immediate treatment. The information and other content provided in this article, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. See full disclaimer.