Depression Tips

Tony Robbins on Depression Explained How to Overcome Depression Tips

Happy 4th of July everyone. I hope you are celebrating vivaciously. I’m choosing to work today, and part of my goals involved writing out this summary of Tony Robbins depression series because it really helped me a few hours ago and I sincerely hope it enhances your mind, well-being, and all-around positively impacts your day!

The reason I can summarize this information for you is because I critically needed to re-research the depression emotions I experienced yesterday and find an immediate strategy to snap out of it. I studied Tony Robbins stuff, immediately implemented the lessons, and have officially bounced back into a positive state.

So I am happy to share this with you and am 100% you can bounce out ASAP as well, you just have to believe it can be this simple.

It is true that there are some people who have permanently damaged brain chemical imbalance processes and probably do need certain kind of drugs/treatments.

But Tony Robbins has changed over 4 million lives of people from 100 different countries and knows for the most part we can cure ourselves instantly.

So listen up here we go, that’s the first truth to understand:

Tony Robbin’s #1 lesson from his whole depression series, the bottom punch line, is that the fact for the majority of us who experience depression:

Is that depression is totally a choice!

You probably don’t want to hear that. I don’t. I cringed when hearing it as I studied this stuff again earlier this morning.

But my desire to jump out of depression was more important to me than my ego; more important than my desire to blame something else and not take responsibility for feeling the way I do.

So, I accept.

And as soon as you accept depression is a choice, liberation from depression can take place literally instantly.

Tony Robbins explains that depression is a state of mind we reach by taking deliberate steps. In other words, it’s a sequence of decisions we make, consciously or subconsciously; it’s something we learned.

The good news is, is that means it’s something we can unlearn and control!

If you watch the full series, you will see Tony demonstrates this fact with an audience member on the spot in front of everyone by asking the lady, Tahnee, to get depressed. To show the audience how she does it.

The first adjustment we notice from her is how her body changes. Our physiology is the first corner of the triangle of depression Tony Robbins Research calls the Triad of Depression:


The three ways depression can be achieved is through:


1) Physiology/Posture –how we physically hold our-self has an effect on our nervous system. Our physiology/posture of our body literally communicates with the brain to inform it that we are depressed and it begins creating the emotional chemicals of depression.


2) Language – the words we use to internally/externally describe our current moments. Words have powerful influence over us because we have given words meaning. If we describe ourselves as worthless, or describe our day as being painful, the brain will immediately begin generating the corresponding emotional chemicals, and propagate such feelings. That’s because we associate the word “worthless” with a host of negative meanings. If we describe our-self as worthless, the brain listens to our thoughts and begins generating the corresponding emotions of depression


3) Mental Focus – what images are we producing in our heads? What are we visualizing? What experiences or emotions are we imagining? If our focus is on negative things, the same process begins, where the brain will produce depressive emotional chemicals.


In conclusion, recognizing that I am in control and responsible for the things I am doing to get to depression, helped me snap out of this behavior.


So I began doing the opposite of what I did yesterday. I began moving my body and erecting my posture. I began describing my day as super awesome, that today the 4th of July was gonna be epic, fun and meaningful. Sure enough, it has been! I began visualizing my back as feeling better, and taking action steps to alleviate the agony, such as icing, cupping, and swim therapy; and I as of now my back is totally feeling relieved!


The truth is I fell so hard into my old patterns yesterday its not even funny. I totally let myself fall apart. Yes, my back pain was in fact ridiculously piercing. Yes, my back pain did in fact yesterday night torture me enough to prevent me from being able to fall asleep, as I showed in my previous video blog. Which did in fact cause sleep deprivation, and I did feet like absolute shit all day.


But still, getting depressed was a choice! Feeling down was still my own responsibility!


I still could have kept my physiology, language, and focus positive. But I allowed myself to sink. I bought into the negativity. I forgot that I have control over my emotions.


I have so much to be grateful for in my life. Some people right now in some places across earth are literally killing each other and dying over the lack of fresh clean drinking water. At any moment I can walk into the kitchen and drink clean water. If I want to, I can go shower and bathe myself for hours in clean drinking water. I have access to all the water I want.


So I say: enough is enough!


I got up about 3:30am today, because I got up to use the restroom, and I was so pissed I couldn’t even fall back asleep. Pissed off at falling into depressive behavior patterns again.


I will not continue letting my circumstances become my identity!


I knew I needed to shock my mind to snap out of it. So for 4 hours starting from 3:30am I began scouring the internet, soaking in countless you tube videos, and listening to a multitude of audio recordings from people like Tony Robbins, Will Smith’s wisdom videos, Eric Thomas’s motivational series, Jim Rohn’s 4 moments that change your life, Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief.


I turned my psychology around so fast I felt absolutely compelled to share this experience with you guys. I sincerely hope this video helps you as you march forward through your night or day. You are just moments from feeling better!


Anytime you are feeling depressed, just follow these steps:


1) Blow away your mind with an avalanche of information about the truth of depression, remember it’s up to you! You possess the ability to correct your own behavior.

2) Keep your physiology/posture confident and erect.

3) Use powerful and positive words to describe your day; play make-believe if you have to. How bad do you want to feel better? Do whatever it takes then!

4) Mentally focus on what you do want in life; what things do you have in life that are going well for you? If you had to be grateful, what are you grateful for in your life right now?

Picture and visualize about people, places, and situations in your life that excite you and fulfills you. Again, play make-believe if you have to.

5) And lastly, super charge boost-up your mood by doing what I do on a regular basis:


Flood your mind with hours of extraordinary stories of inspiration. Shower your mind in hours of electrifying motivational speeches. Bathe yourself in positivity!


And never forget: you’re not alone! For one, I’m right here with you going through similar experiences in life. And so are millions of others. I feel you! Stay strong! Conquer the War Within!


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